About New Look Landscapes Ltd
New Look Landscapes Ltd was established in Dunedin in 2005 with a vision to provide a quality landscaping service and add value to people's properties.
At New Look Landscapes Ltd, we cover all aspects of landscaping.
We have our own team of subcontractors – plumbers, electricians and excavators. This means we can provide a seamless service for the client. Permits can also be organised as required.
New Look Landscapes Ltd is not confined to Dunedin either. We have carried out some amazing projects in Milton and Balclutha, at Carrick Winery, in Central Otago, at Otematata, at holiday homes at Shag Point, Clyde and Cromwell.
Using New Look Landscapes Ltd is an assurance of professionalism, quality and experience.
“The quality remains long after the price is forgotten” – Sir Henry Royce, co-founder of Rolls-Royce.

Andrew Perry
Andrew trained and qualified in the National Certificate of Horticulture in London in 1997. His skills have then developed during time spent landscaping in Dunedin and also in Christchurch.
Andrew is a perfectionist by nature and has a keen eye for detail. These qualities are invaluable for landscaping and have earned New Look Landscapes Ltd a reputation for excellence, together with an impressive portfolio of clients. In his spare time Andrew enjoys keeping fit and has completed a full marathon and several half-marathons and triathlon events. He also enjoys fishing, hunting and tramping.